Tuesday 25 September 2012

Initial Ideas (mind map)

After our secondary research, we began to form some initial ideas about what types of things we would like to include in the magazine. We also brainstormed possible names, thinking of key words such as 'social', 'campus' and 'youth'.  

This is the first initial ideas stage where the entire group came up with a list of things that we really wanted our final magazine design to include. We came to the conclusion that all these factors would make our magazine design more popular and all need to be included to fit the brief of a student magazine. We want the final design to have a modern layout and appearance so the target audience will find it appealing.

When we began to think of magazine names we started to find it very difficult. We then created the above mind map just with a range of words that we associate with the college to help us come up with some ideas.  

This mind map was the product of our ideas, where we then came up with seven possible magazine titles. We then took the three best names that we as a group liked, included them in the questionnaire, and also added the option of 'Other' so recipients could give us their own ideas for a magazine name. 

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